The Hunt House (196 Main Street)
Built before 1876, by John G. Hunt, who came to Warrensburgh in 1871. Mr. Hunt conducted a wholesale and retail general hardware store for many years. The barn and carriage house are still standing.
In the early 1900's, Mr. Hunt increased his property holding by purchasing several lots in the "Fairlawn Tract" - a tract of land, approximately ten acres, between Main, Hudson and fourth Street, owned by Miss Lizzie Woodward. In March, 1905, the property was purchased by a Boston capitalist through the firm of S. H. Vanderwerker of Glens Falls, to be sub-divided into fifty lots and resold. By June, of the same year, ten of the lots had been sold to a building contractor intending to construct the same number of houses. The remaining forty lots were to be auctioned off.
Warrensburgh Heritage Trail | The Hunt House |