Blister Hill Ski Area, which was located on Hackensack Mountain, had its ribbon cutting in February of 1970, after six years of meetings plus labor, sweat, blisters and repeated vandalism. A rope tow provided access to the top of the gentle 500-foot slope with an 80-foot vertical. The property was donated by Clara King Osborne and Julia King Willett, plus a 16-foot-wide right-of-way by Maurice Ashe. Spearheaded by the Kiwanis Club, much of the work was accomplished by members of the Jaycees and the Warrensburg Ski Club. John Hickey and Harry Demarest (president of the revived Warrensburg Ski Club) were among those involved. Many town residents contributed labor, materials and money. A contest had been held to name the area, and the prize of $10 was given to Maynard Baker for the name “Blister Hill.” (Let it be noted he donated his winnings back to the Jaycees.). Heavy vandalism caused permanent closure after the 1978-79 season. Remnants of the tow can still be seen in the reforested slope along the Hackensack hiking trail that starts at the top of Prospect Street.
Warrensburgh Heritage Trail | Blister Hill |