Capt. Myron Nelson Dickinson, son of John Dickinson, was born in 1829 in Bolton. Early in his lifetime, he built a sawmill in Warrensburgh and was elected in 1857 as the first school commissioner of the county. In 1860 he also entered the mercantile field which he followed for twenty years. In 1861, he was Postmaster of Warrensburgh, but resigned in 1862 to enter the Army as a second lieutenant in the 118th NY Volunteer Regiment. In 1863 he was promoted to first lieutenant and shortly thereafter, for gallant and meritorious service was made captain. He returned to Warrensburgh in 1865. In 1866, he was again Postmaster. Although he was very active in politics, having represented the county and state at conventions, he refused many offers to run for political office. He was president of the Board of Education from its organization in 1888 until 1898. He married Betsey Coolidge in 1858 and they had three children, Lester Coolidge, Grace Cordelia and Margaret.