Warrensburgh Cemetery, South Side of Hudson Street Photo/Map #5
This contributing, 10-acre cemetery, located at the northwestern end of Hudson Street, was established prior to the turn of the century. It is significant for representing the social, civic and religious development of the community and for its collection of late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries funerary art. The cemetery contains a recent, non-contributing, large, concrete block, shed-roofed structure as well as a small, contributing, c.1920 utility building featuring shiplap siding, multi-paned sash and exposed rafter tails.
This contributing, 10-acre cemetery, located at the northwestern end of Hudson Street, was established prior to the turn of the century. It is significant for representing the social, civic and religious development of the community and for its collection of late-nineteenth and twentieth centuries funerary art. The cemetery contains a recent, non-contributing, large, concrete block, shed-roofed structure as well as a small, contributing, c.1920 utility building featuring shiplap siding, multi-paned sash and exposed rafter tails.